Former TCS CEO Rajesh Gopinathan made headlines when he announced his resignation after more than two decades with the company. K Krithivasan was recently named the company’s new CEO Designate following the announcement. Being at the helm of a company with such a long history presents its own set of challenges. However, K Krithivasan faces a greater challenge: relocating to Mumbai from his hometown of Chennai.
In an interview with the media, K Krithivasan stated that leaving his hometown and relocating to Mumbai is more difficult than becoming the CEO of TCS.
According to reports, K Krithivasan was asked if moving to Mumbai was a more difficult challenge than becoming CEO of TCS. In response to the question, he stated, “I’m moving to Mumbai. It is a difficult decision to leave Chennai. People on the call should be aware.”
TCS’s former CEO, Rajesh Gopinathan, resigned from the company a few days ago. He had been with the company for 22 years and was appointed CEO in 2017. Following Gopinathan’s resignation, TCS named K Krithivasan as CEO designate.
The new CEO designate was named by TCS in a filing with the exchange, which read: “The Board has nominated K Krithivasan as the CEO Designate, effective as of March 16, 2023. As Rajesh Gopinathan transitions, Krithivasan will be named the Managing Director and CEO for the upcoming fiscal year.
Rajesh Gopinathan, the former CEO of TCS, will continue to work for the company through September of this year.
K Krithivasan joined TCS in 1989 and has worked in a variety of roles ranging from delivery and relationship management to sales portfolios. Krithivasan also serves on the boards of TCS Iberoamerica and TCS Ireland, as well as the TCS Technology Solutions AG supervisory board.
Krithivasan has a Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Madras as well as a Master’s Degree in Industrial and Management Engineering from IIT Kanpur. Before he was appointed CEO, Krithivasan was President and Global Head of TCS’s Banking, Financial Services, and Insurance (BFSI) Business Group.
Following his appointment as TCS’ new CEO, he told the media, “I don’t expect to see a significant strategy or organizational change shortly.”