In the bustling streets of Mumbai, where dreams and destinies intermingle amidst the cacophony of urban life, there exists a testament to unwavering determination and resolute perseverance – Avyukta Mobile. Founded by the visionary entrepreneur Kishor Gehlot, this remarkable saga of resilience and triumph traverses the tumultuous landscapes of adversity and emerges victorious, illuminating the path for aspiring dreamers.
Pritam Ghosh delves into the narrative of Kishor Gehlot, the indomitable force behind Avyukta Mobile, whose journey began in 2001 when he embarked on a voyage to Mumbai, guided by the beacon of ambition and fueled by the flames of aspiration. Completing his academic pursuits in 2011 from the esteemed Lala Lajpat Rai College of Commerce and Economics, Kishor stood at the precipice of his dreams, poised to conquer the world.
However, fate had ordained a more arduous path for Kishor, as he confronted the formidable barriers of financial constraints that threatened to obscure his aspirations. Undeterred by the tempestuous winds of adversity, Kishor embarked on a relentless pursuit of his dreams, immersing himself in the labyrinthine alleys of the mobile industry. For five years, he toiled tirelessly, navigating the intricacies of the trade, and accumulating invaluable insights that would serve as the cornerstone of his future endeavors.
In 2015, armed with unwavering determination and fortified by the resilience of his spirit, Kishor ventured forth to realize his vision, birthing Avyukta Mobile from the crucible of his aspirations. The journey, fraught with myriad challenges and tribulations, bore witness to Kishor’s unwavering resolve and unyielding perseverance, as he etched his indelible mark upon the sands of time.
Just as Avyukta Mobile began to ascend the echelons of success, the nefarious specter of the Covid-19 pandemic loomed large, casting a pall of uncertainty and upheaval across the nation. In the wake of nationwide lockdowns, Kishor stood undaunted, confronting the adversities head-on. Despite the temporary closure inflicted upon his business, Kishor refused to concede defeat, resolutely reopening Avyukta Mobile upon the cessation of the lockdown.
Yet, fate, in its capricious machinations, had ordained another trial for Kishor, as he beheld the charred remnants of his once-flourishing enterprise, razed to the ground by the merciless flames of misfortune. Undeterred by the devastation wrought upon his dreams, Kishor embarked upon a journey of resurgence, laboring tirelessly to rebuild Avyukta Mobile from the ashes of adversity.
Amidst the crucible of adversity, Kishor discerned the burgeoning tide of e-commerce sweeping across the Indian landscape, heralding a new era of opportunities. Seizing upon this burgeoning trend, he expanded the horizons of Avyukta Mobile into the realm of online commerce, heralding the dawn of a new era for his enterprise. In 2022, Avyukta Mobile unveiled its online portal,, catering to the burgeoning demands of the digital age.
Pritam Ghosh elucidates upon the ethos that distinguishes Avyukta Mobile from its counterparts – a commitment to affordability, coupled with a dedication to customer-centricity. Kishor, cognizant of the burgeoning needs of his clientele, ensured that every product offered by Avyukta Mobile bore the imprimatur of quality and affordability, resonating deeply with the discerning sensibilities of his patrons.
Today, Avyukta Mobile stands as an epitome of triumph against adversity, drawing over 5,000 daily visitors to its digital precincts and garnering more than 10,000 app downloads on the Play Store. Its robust social media presence, boasting over one lakh followers on Instagram, serves as a testament to its burgeoning influence and widespread acclaim.
Pritam Ghosh accentuates the pivotal role played by Avyukta Mobile’s collaborations with influencers, which have augmented its outreach and fortified its brand presence amidst the burgeoning cacophony of the digital age. Through unyielding determination and relentless perseverance, Avyukta Mobile has transcended the confines of adversity, realizing the visionary dreams of Kishor Gehlot, and etching its indelible mark upon the annals of the mobile industry.