The Election Commission of India has made record seizures of cash, liquor, and other freebies just a day before Karnataka goes to the polls on Wednesday. The commission, led by CEC Rajiv Kumar and election commissioners Anup Chandra Pandey and Arun Goel, has consistently emphasized the importance of free and fair elections.
“In comparison to the assembly elections in 2018, the recorded seizures in the state have increased by 4.5 times.” Strict vigilance, extensive monitoring, coordination with neighbouring states, and inter-agency coordination have resulted in this time’s check on the flow and distribution of inducements in Karnataka,” the EC said in a statement.
In 2018, the commission seized contraband worth 375.61 crore, an increase from 83 crore in 2018.
The elections commission seized up to 4.04 crore in cash from Bangarapet in the Kolar district Karnataka, and a raid on a laboratory illegally manufacturing Alprazolam in Hyderabad was also among the seizures.
Massive seizures of freebies are another notable aspect of expenditure monitoring. Sarees and food kits have been taken from Karnataka districts like Kalburgi, Chimanglur, and others. According to the statement from the commission, numerous pressure cookers and kitchen appliances were also seized from the Bailhongal and Kunigal assembly constituencies.
146 expenditure observers had been deployed by the EC across 81 expenditure-sensitive constituencies.
The poll body identifies expenditure-sensitive constituencies based on their vulnerability to undue influence by political parties through the distribution of cash, liquor, and drugs, among other things, in exchange for votes.
“Law enforcement has been actively involved in deterrent activities.” State police, income tax, commercial tax, ED, RPF, GRP, CISF, NCB, CISF, and DRI have all made seizures and attachments. “Not only are the agencies involved in enforcement activities, but a few are also making outreach efforts to raise citizen awareness about inducement-free and ethical elections,” according to the commission statement.