Amritpal Singh, a supporter of the Khalistani movement who has been on the run since March 18, was apprehended by the Punjab Police on Sunday in the Moga district. Speaking during a news conference in this location, IG Sukhchain Singh Gill, the spokesperson for the Punjab officers, claimed that for 35 days, officers applied constant pressure to find Amritpal.
The pro-Khalistan activist has previously been subjected to the strict NSA by the Punjab Police.
According to the IG, Amritpal was detained in Rode around 6:45 am. “We got specific information that he was hiding in the gurdwara in Rode Village. Police had encircled the area, but we avoided going inside the gurdwara because we believe that the maryada of a sacred building is paramount. Amritpal invited capture since he had nowhere to hide, according to Sukhchain Singh.