In the run-up to Shah Rukh Khan’s comeback film Pathaan’s release, the actor’s fan page has shared an edited teaser of the film. In this scene, the Minions have taken the place of Shah Rukh Khan and other cast members to match the audio from the actual film teaser. And fans can not get enough of the hilarious edit.
Despicable Me and its sequels featured the Minions. The amusing video begins with two minion cops discussing Pathaan’s whereabouts, followed by Stuart, who is seen mouthing SRK’s lines “Zinda hai (is alive)” while weightlifting in a prisoner’s outfit. Deepika Padukone’s role is played by Skarlet Overkill in the video, which also features Pathaan fighting the villain in the boxing ring.
“Looool, i think I got my cardio done laughing,” one viewer commented on the video. That is incredible! “Can we have some more?” “OhmyGOD!!” wrote another. This is hilarious…excellent.” “Please stop,” said another commenter. I am afraid I can not (laughing emojis).” A viewer also mentioned that Shah Rukh Khan’s youngest child, AbRam, would enjoy it. “It is so so cute, Abram will definitely love this,” he wrote. “Who is Pathaan Stuart, Kevin, Bob?” someone else inquired. Many others thought it was “perfect and adorable.”
Pathaan, directed by Siddharth Anand of War fame, reintroduces the hit duo of Shah Rukh and Deepika. In the film, John Abraham plays the antagonist. The film will be released in theaters on January 25. On the 57th birthday of Shah Rukh, the teaser of Pathaan was released.
In Pathaan, Shah Rukh has shoulder-length hair and performs some gravity-defying action scenes. Deepika and John have several action scenes in the film as well. It marks Shah Rukh’s return to the big screen after a four-year absence.