Shriguru Majid Paithankar
Today, on the special occasion of Shriguru Majid Paithankar’s birthday, the Zariya Organisation celebrates his life and work. Shriguru Majid Paithankar, a well-known spiritual leader, has dedicated himself to uniting people from different religions and helping others realize that we are all connected. Through his teachings, he hopes to bring more peace and harmony to the world.
The Zariya Organisation, guided by Shriguru Majid, focuses on raising awareness about the similarities between different religions. By studying holy books from around the world, the organization shows how these religions share common values, beliefs, and stories. This helps people see that, despite our differences, we all come from the same source. The goal is to help people grow spiritually, mentally, and physically while spreading love and unity.
A Remarkable Beginning
Shriguru Majid’s story began in a miraculous way. Born into a Muslim family, he arrived into the world without any signs of life. For 14 long minutes, there was no movement, no sound. But then, suddenly, life filled his body, and his loud cry brought relief to everyone around him. From that moment on, it was clear that Shriguru Majid was destined for something special.
The name “Shriguru Majid Paithankar” reflects both his roots and his purpose. In the Muslim faith, “Al-Majid” is one of the names of Allah, meaning “the Glorious.” In Hindu tradition, “Shri” means “holy” or “respected,” and “guru” means “teacher.” This combination represents his role as a spiritual guide and teacher, helping people from different backgrounds find common ground.
Uniting Religions
One of Shriguru Majid’s main teachings is that all religions come from the same divine source. He shows how different religions often talk about the same figures, stories, and ideas, just in different ways. For example, prophets and saints from one religion may be the same as deities and wise figures in another religion. By helping people see these connections, Shriguru Majid promotes understanding and respect among different religious groups.
The Zariya Organisation offers various programs that help people improve their physical, mental, and spiritual health. These programs, led by Shriguru Majid, give people tools to live healthier and happier lives while discovering the divine within themselves. His teachings are based on both ancient wisdom and modern science, making them accessible to everyone.
Helping Children: Ankur Yojana
In addition to his spiritual work, Shriguru Majid is passionate about helping children in need. On April 9, 2020, he launched the Ankur Yojana, a special program for underprivileged children. The name “Ankur” means “sprout” or “young plant,” symbolizing how children, like plants, need care and nourishment to grow into strong, healthy individuals.
Ankur Yojana is part of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs), showing its importance on a global scale. The program focuses on providing support and opportunities to children so they can have better futures. Shriguru Majid believes that by helping these children grow, we are also helping society as a whole.
Honoring Spiritual Masters
The Zariya Organisation also honors the great spiritual masters who have come before Shriguru Majid. From Shriguru Adam to Shriguru Babaji, these enlightened beings have passed down their wisdom and love for humanity. Now, Shriguru Majid continues this tradition, guiding people on the path to peace and oneness.
Global Ambassador of Peace
Shriguru Majid Paithankar is known around the world as a messenger of peace. His teachings have touched the lives of many, helping people see beyond differences and come together as one. He has dedicated his life to promoting global unity, compassion, and inner peace.
On his birthday, the Zariya Organisation invites everyone to join in celebrating Shriguru Majid’s life and work. His message of unity and peace is more important than ever, and his teachings show that by working together, we can create a better, more peaceful world.
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Zariya Organisation