Dr. Arun Kumar S. Haripad unveiled his latest creative endeavor with the release of the video CD titled “Ente Nagaripuresan.” This CD features a Sri Krishna devotional song, penned and produced by Dr. Arun Kumar himself, a renowned bilingual poet and lyricist. The unveiling ceremony took place on March 24, 2024, at the Haripad Sri Subramanya Swamy Temple, where the Honorable MP A.M. Arif presented the CD to the Haripad Municipal Chairman Sri K.K. Ramakrishnan. Notably, the Nagri Temple, located at the heart of Haripad, lacked a dedicated song until now, making Dr. Arun’s contribution a dream fulfilled for the community.
In a momentous occasion at the Haripad Sri Subramanya Swamy Temple, Dr. Arun Kumar S. Haripad introduced his latest creation, the video CD “Ente Nagaripuresan.” Crafted with devotion, the CD features a stirring Sri Krishna devotional song written and produced by Dr. Arun Kumar, a respected poet and lecturer at GVHSS Thalavady. On March 24, 2024, the CD was formally presented at the temple, with Honorable MP A.M. Arif handing it over to Haripad Municipal Chairman Sri K.K. Ramakrishnan. This significant release fills a notable void as the Nagri Temple lacked its own anthem, marking Dr. Arun’s achievement as a realization of a long-awaited dream for the community.
Municipal councilor Smt.Latha kananthanam and so many devotees were present. They offered their wishes to the Great Poet on his journey to find the origin of the name Haripad (derived from Haripadam). Actually, Haripadam stands for Vishnu’s padam that is never Subramanya’s padam. It’s the foot of Vishnu. It’s nothing but the foot of Nagari Sri Krishna Swami that is the discovery of Dr.Arun.It was a study of etymology of Haripad , name of a municipality and in another way yet another PhD Thesis, a feather on Arun’s crown .
Navodhana Kala Sahitya Samskriti Magazine’s this year Wordsworth Award goes to none other than Dr.ArunKumar S . It’s a much covetted prize. Dr.Arun will be awarded the same on May 19 at a great function of prodigies at Mamukkoya Nagar Tirur, Malappuram. Film Director Mr.Stanley Jose distributes the award . The poet Dr. Arun is selected for this award for his continuous Contribution to English. Infact he is a genius who deserves a National Literary Award to the least bit. Hope he will conquer it soon.