PM Narendra Modi said Monday that the Central Bureau of Investigations’ (CBI) main responsibility was to rid India of corruption, citing it as the biggest impediment to democracy and justice.
The Prime Minister stated at an event held as part of the CBI’s diamond jubilee celebrations, “The CBI has given people faith through its work and techniques.” Even today, when a case goes unsolved, there are calls for it to be turned over to the CBI.”
Asserting that developing India requires professional and efficient institutions, PM Modi stated that the CBI bears a great deal of responsibility. “We have already launched mission mode action against black money and benami properties.
“We are fighting not only the corrupt but also the causes of corruption. “This government has the political will to fight corruption,” said PM Narendra Modi.Â
“It is true that modern technologies have made crime more global. However, it is also true that these technologies can only provide solutions to these problems. We must increase the use of forensic science in investigations. We need to come up with new ways to combat cybercrime. Tech-enabled entrepreneurs and young people can play a significant role in this.” PM Modi stated.
The Prime Minister stated that the country and its citizens wanted no corrupt person to be spared, adding, “There had been times of disbelief and policy paralysis in the nation.” However, our primary goal since 2014 has been to restore, nurture, and strengthen people’s trust in the system.”