On Tuesday, Kareena Kapoor shared some vibrant photos from her Holi celebrations at home. She celebrated the festival of colors with her sons Taimur and Jehangir, who had a great time with their pichkaris. Kareena also mentioned Saif, who was unable to join them for the fun.
Kareena captioned the photos, “Can’t wait for the nap we’re going to have after this fab #holi session” (miss you Saifuuu). Bringing colour, love, and joy to everyone… I adore you, Instagram family! “Happy Holi.”
Kareena poses for a photo with Taimur and Jehangir in the first image. As they play Holi, all three of them appear to be drenched in water and colours. While Kareena and Taimur smiled for the camera, Jeh was still in the mood for Holi. It was followed by happy solo pictures of Taimur and Jehangir, completely engrossed in having fun in their backyard. For their Holi festivities, a large playmat was placed on the floor near the swimming pool.
Karisma Kapoor, Rhea Kapoor, and Manish Malhotra all left heart emojis on the post. A fan commented on their usual simple attire, “Mujhe lagta tha Holi pe ham hi purane kapde pehnte hai aap log bhi pehento ho ye aaj pta chala.” (I used to believe that only we wore old clothes on Holi, but now I see that even you do.)” “Who looks so good playing Holi?” said another. Our Queen, Bebo!” “Oh look at your kids, they’re having so much fun,” said another.
Karisma Kapoor also shared photos of her Holi celebrations at home. She posted some before and after pictures of herself colouring and wrote, “How it started and how it’s going. “Have a Happy Holi. #holifestival #loveandlight.”
Kareena’s sister-in-law also shared a photo of her daughter Inaaya Naumi Kemmu having fun with Holi at their home. She shared a photo of Inaaya draining a house staff with her pichkari on her Instagram Stories.