Alia Bhatt was enraged by the ‘invasion of privacy’ after a few photographers photographed her while she was inside her home. The actress took to Instagram and tagged the Mumbai Police, writing that she felt she was being watched. That’s when she noticed two photographers snapping photos of her from the top of a nearby building. The real story, however, appears to be a little different.
Alia Bhatt’s home is in Bandra, directly across the street from Emraan Hashmi’s. Hashmi had invited some media to his house to promote his upcoming film ‘Selfiee,’ and Alia’s room was visible from his terrace. This is when the photographers took advantage of the situation and photographed Alia in her personal space.
Many Bollywood celebrities, including Karan Johar, Sushmita Sen, Anushka Sharma, Neetu Kapoor, and Janhvi Kapoor, expressed their support for Alia Bhatt, who accused the paparazzi and media of invading her privacy on her Instagram account.
The actress shared a collage of photos of herself that were taken inside the house without her permission. In the lengthy note, she wrote, “Are you serious? I was at home, having a perfectly normal afternoon in my living room when I became aware of something watching me… When I looked up, I saw two men on the terrace of my neighboring building, looking at me with a camera! In what world is this acceptable?”
“This is a gross invasion of someone’s privacy and it’s safe to say all lines were crossed today!” she added, tagging the Mumbai police.
In support of Alia Bhatt, Sushmita Sen reshared the post about celebrities having it worse when it comes to privacy and added a note written by author Huma Tanweer about the media’s ‘frequently blurring the lines between personal and social lives’ of celebrities. “Privacy is a myth in a world made smaller by the internet, technology, and social media. And if you’re a celebrity, things are even worse. There is little that can be kept hidden when the paparazzi culture is at its peak.”
The author went on to say, “Guys, how can you catch someone off guard despite their repeated requests for privacy to the media? When will the lines be drawn? Are we turning into nothing more than PR machines? Our right to privacy must not be violated in any way. The media frequently blurs the distinction between one’s personal and social lives. They significantly mix the two, and the result is obnoxious and unethical.”
She also stated, “Because we all have a psychological need for privacy, there must be a distinction between a celebrity’s private and public lives. The media should avoid intruding on this demarcation line. The practice of using such news to boost channel ratings and attract the greatest number of viewers is completely inappropriate.”
Previously, Alia Bhatt and her husband, actor Ranbir Kapoor, met with the paparazzi in Mumbai, along with Neetu Kapoor, and requested privacy. They also asked the paparazzi not to photograph their daughter Raha.