On Tuesday, Bipasha Basu and Karan Singh Grover were seen returning home after the birth of their daughter Devi. On Tuesday morning, paparazzi photographed the actor couple outside their Mumbai home. Bipasha gave birth to their daughter in a Mumbai hospital on Saturday. Since then, both the mother and child have been under observation at the hospital.
Pictures taken outside Karan and Bipasha’s house show the new mom wearing a black and white printed dress and holding Devi, who is wrapped in a pink blanket. As she got out of her car, she was joined by Karan, who was dressed casually in shorts and a t-shirt and carrying a backpack, presumably with baby supplies. They posed briefly for the photographers before heading inside.
This is Karan Singh Grover and Bipasha’s first child. They met on the set of their 2015 film Alone and married the following year. Bipasha and Karan announced her pregnancy in August of this year, sharing photos from Bipasha’s maternity shoot.
They revealed her name and announced the birth of their child on social media on Saturday. Bipasha shared a photo of her daughter’s feet and revealed her daughter’s name and birthdate: Devi Basu Singh Grover. “The physical manifestation of our love and blessings for Ma is here now,” she wrote.
Bipasha revealed that she was on bed rest during her pregnancy’s final trimester. Bipasha previously said that she and Karan had been trying for a baby before the Covid-19 pandemic, but they abandoned the plan after the pandemic struck. “In 2021, we decided to try again, and God was gracious, we conceived,” she explained.